Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: happytree on July 16, 2011, 11:05 pm

Title: Paranoia
Post by: happytree on July 16, 2011, 11:05 pm
In the recent years, each time I partake in a drug experience, I have become overwhelmed with paranoia. And, it doesn't matter the drug, or the environment.  Even opiates (which I never thought could happen), weed, sometimes alcohol, but most certainly and really intensely, coke (all good quality). I've covered all the basics (make sure I'm happy before hand, at home, feeling safe, etc.) But, it's become really bad. Considering I don't get high that often, it's pretty surprising to me. What am I missing? Am I crazy? Or do I have anxiety to start with...???
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: braves821 on July 17, 2011, 01:42 am
if you are only using drugs on occasion is there maybe an underlying cause for you using at those times?  Increased stress, bad day, certain times of the month? lots of people will subconsciously self medicate for lots of reasons, if you can find a pattern to your use you may find that your trying to cover up for something and in turn are using during unstable times.
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: happytree on July 18, 2011, 12:14 am
Something to think about I guess; but I used to smoke quite a bit of weed in college, and all the time. It started making me increasingly paranoid which is why I quit. I thought it was just weed, but eventually everything I've used gets me paranoid. A drag, really.
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: braves821 on July 18, 2011, 03:24 am
If it makes it easier try keeping a little journal, it allows for nice meditation at the end of the day, and while it may not work for you it allows me to find patterns in my mood.   (diagnosed bipolar) I am not a DR so take my word is just from personal experience, i hope you can find your answer.  Sometimes it is sitting in front of you
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: Tokin' Minority on July 18, 2011, 10:08 pm
Do you find this happening more often when you're doing it alone? Do you feel less paranoid when you enjoy it with your buddies? What about if you end/combine the drug session with some partnered sexual activity?

A similar thing happened to me with my once-and-still beloved substance, mary jane. I was smoking daily in my college years, but eventually I had to stop because I always ended up either feeling very paranoid or getting into negative thoughts a lot. I finally stopped regularly smoking weed alone. I still smoke and enjoy it when my good friends are around without too much of the negative feelings.

As we get older, I hear this paranoid or "negative headspace" complaints from my other stoner friends too, and many just chalk it up to outgrowing that "daily-use" phase of our lives. One other thing I have found helpful in combating the negative aspects of the weed (and other drugs) I still use for fun once in a while, is to follow up or combine the use with sex.
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: happytree on July 19, 2011, 02:13 am
Funny you should say that. In the latter days of my weed smoking, I would smoke with friends but I'd end up in the corner of my room (this was back in college). Nowadays, when I do occasional this and that (coke, fentynal, whatev), I am alone because none of my friends do.  And I'm not really into alcohol. I feel like my body is trying to tell me something?! But yesterday (which was like day 3 of coke come-down) I had the best orgasm. Wasn't planned. I'd prefer to just not have this CRAZY-ASS paranoia when I first smoke the coke, ya know. I know it's kind-of-a-comes-with-the-territory-type-trip. But this next time, I'm just gonna put on some ambient, nice Aura music or something.
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: nomad bloodbath on July 19, 2011, 03:03 am
It sounds like you have some kinda anxiety disorder like me, unfortunately I have 3 types: Generalized, Social and Panic. I lived with paranoia and timidness in social situation for all my life up til about 5 years ago when I finally realized after doing much personal research on my symptoms that I might have an anxiety disorder, after asking my family doctor about these things and my research that i had three types. So he but me on xanax with the obligatory anti-depressants that most doctors want to put you on anyway. I dont take the SSRI's but the xanax has forever changed my quality of life and I suggest you talk to your doctor and discuss your symptoms.
nomad bloodbath
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: phubaiblues on July 19, 2011, 05:55 am
I know somebody who was diagnosed in military, a long time ago, as being paranoid-schizophrenic  But what he has--he now knows--is Paranoid Personality Disorder.  It's a tough deal, easy to make fun of, but he really does think cars are following him, and that people are trying to hurt his kid, and has called the cops on the neighbors for spying on him...has moved several times to get away from people he says are chasing him.  I feel really bad for him, because worst part, is he also distrusts psychiatrists, so I try to get him to go to VA hospital, but he thinks they are trying to poison him.  I used to think it was really funny, but after knowing this cat, I feel bad for the poor bastard.   Makes life so hard, and he kind of knows he has it, and trusts me, and it's touchy to try to tell him he needs help.  There are meds tho, and they seem to work, if he'll take them...his life has been mostly unhappy, and I wish it were better.  Even drugs and beer and shit--which worked wonders for me, ha ha--don't work for him...pot of course is terrble, and even alcohol just makes him worse. 

I myself loved pot until I discovered opiates...seemed like that changed everything...I didn't like pot anymore, made me uncomfortable and too 'self' aware and all that shit...partly I guess you grow out of it, and partly I guess I just have too much mental baggage I don't want to think about.  Fun when real young, not no more...
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: NoQuarter on August 02, 2011, 03:39 am
I was a daily pot smoker for two years, and have experienced a wide variety of drugs.  However, quite recently, i also started to notice increased paranoia when using substances.  The first paranoid episode came over me while I was on an uncounted amount of LSD, somewhere around a half sheet of some really good shit.  By the fourth hour, I was convinced all of my friends with me hated me and were conspiring against me.  I was fine after that for another few months until a particularly speedy night with 4-mcat, bk-mdma, and some piperzines.  During that experience, I fell back into a similar paranoid state.  I began to make an see connections between completely unrelated things going on in my life, and inferred meaning from these false connections.  Within a couple of months, this sort of paranoia became typical of all stimulant experiences, and all marijuana experineces.  The paranoia is almost always WORSE when I am with other people.  I am very hesitant to do any drugs on my own other than downers now, and will think twice about doing anything (weed included) with other people unless I have some valium or other benzos which I will usually take before I do drugs with friends.  Strong opiates help too.  Suffice to say, Peaceandlove's bulk valium deals make it possible for me to continue my drug habits. haha
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: Aphex on August 04, 2011, 01:40 am
I can relate to paranoia when doing all drugs but benzos and opiates. Typically I am really paranoid about other people especially when I smoke weed.

I am also paranoid when I am sober the drugs just magnify the effect typically I take low doses of seroquel and I feel completely normal.
I know I have to take a benzo opiate or anti psychotic if I want to do potent stims and I don't like to smoke weed anymore because of this.
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: NoQuarter on August 04, 2011, 04:11 pm
I know I have to take a benzo opiate or anti psychotic if I want to do potent stims and I don't like to smoke weed anymore because of this.

Aphex, what type of anti-psychotic do you like to take to stabilize your stims?  I've tried seroquel, but that just zonks me out too much
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: Aphex on August 05, 2011, 04:57 am
I take seroquel but if that is too strong I would suggest abilify or Risperdal. Zyprexa is stronger than seroquel and it knocks me out to the point I wake up 10hours later in a haze.

I am not sure if abilify works exactly the same but I have heard that it has less downer effect so that might work well. I took risperdol for a little while it isn't as strong as seroquel and knocked me out a lot less. Not sure about Geodon but I think it is strong and not ideal.

There may be more anti psychotics now but I would say risperdal would be ideal for balancing with stims.
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: NoQuarter on August 05, 2011, 01:31 pm
Alright, I'll try risperdal next time.  I can get my hands on some pretty easily I think.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: qpalipn on August 05, 2011, 03:56 pm
I've found that Mirtazapine helps a lot when I'm feeling anxious or paranoid, it doesn't hit me as hard as antipsychotics tend to but still works well when I start to get wound up or want to abort a bad trip. IIRC it has a relatively low potential for harmful interactions with other substances, so that's always a plus. The long half-life can be a pain though.
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: NoQuarter on August 06, 2011, 03:13 pm
Good to know qpalipn!
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: nomad bloodbath on August 07, 2011, 02:41 pm
Everyone in this thread needs to go get a xanax prescription from their family doctor.
Mention anxiety and panic attacks and shy/timidness when in public.
Most likely they will first try antidepressants but on a follow up trip tell them the panic attacks and anxiety havent stopped, more than likely you will get some kinda benzo to help with paranioa/anxiety.
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: brickbeard on August 15, 2011, 03:03 am
As a medically-certified "crazy" person who thinks that the world is insane but that I'm the only one who knows, I have a number of things to say about this.

First off, DELIVERY METHODS. The human body does not process (metabolize) certain substances well to begin with, and drug ingestion methods only exacerbate the problem in some instances. I love weed but I know that smoking it isn't always the best choice. Eating things with weed in them sometimes is a bit mellower for me, which I attribute to the fact that my body isn't responding to the presence of carcinogens from smoke in addition to the active drug ingredients. When drugs you take increase metabolic processes, like increasing your rate of blood flow, for instance, the associated effects (in this case mainly adrenaline synthesis and release) also increase during that time period. While eating your drugs doesn't always work, eating foods you know your body can process easily will help you come down quicker.

Secondly, on a related note, and most importantly, METABOLISM. If you're already in a twisted state before you begin doing the drugs, things will probably only get worse from there. Ever decided to smoke a shit ton of pot after a day long fast? That weed might not be so relaxing. I have noticed that I have more of my "crazy" type thoughts when I am hungry, have been up for longer than 20 hours at a time, or otherwise fucked up without taking drugs. If my mind state isn't already sort of OK, no amount of drugs even help. Make sure you take a chance to get enough sleep or kick-start your body with exercise so you can metabolize all the drugs currently in your blood stream and get ready to do more.

Finally don't forget your environment. I live in a city, and even when the pot fairy is being good to me, I still have to go to the park where I can't see any pavement to calm down any time my paranoia gets the better of me. It doesn't help that there are still always helicopters flying over my head, but chilling out in the woods (where the only potential local aggressors are deer that shit in my path, wild turkeys that eat berries out of the deer shit, and strange ass stray kittens that fight raccoons) kind of helps.

Considering these factors, the best solution I can offer is to take a short break (you decide however long you need :) ) and get a feel for your bodily functions and especially circadian rhythms before resuming your normal self-medicating habits. Then see how each drug you like affects your paranoia.

I would definitely say "NO WAY" to all the people who advise just taking other drugs to combat paranoia. No offense intended at all, but if that sort of "drug cocktail" mentality REALLY worked, why would doctors prescribe psychiatric patients more and more drugs all the time? I don't have any statistical evidence to prove it, but I firmly believe that drug interactions make it impossible to solve any health problems by simply adding more substances to your normal routine, unless you detox first you cannot truly understand why certain things work together.
Keep it simple, stay high. I also have problems with alcohol, but these are way worse when I mix other drugs with it.

Good luck. Sorry for writing so much, I just have some strong feelings about the subject. Again, no offense to the previous posters who I wholeheartedly disagreed with.
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: brickbeard on August 15, 2011, 03:05 am
Also, there's some good info in this topic
Title: Re: Paranoia
Post by: btcfreedom on August 15, 2011, 12:17 pm
take klonopin 1mg. works for me every time with a few bong hits.

paranoia is like a ball and chain to the territory we are in
